Sunday, February 27, 2011
goona go to school today
my vacation or our vacation is on march 19 or 18 that is where my periodical test i hope we will go to swimming on summer i hope dean my new crush will see me and talk to me and when im in 2nd year H.S i hope were classmate so gud morning tnx
Saturday, February 26, 2011
The Jersey Devil is a strange creature that has haunted the New Jersey Pine Barrens for the past 260 years. They say it has terrorized nearby towns and caused factories and schools to close down.

According to legend, an evil old witch named Mrs. Shrouds lived in Leeds Point, NJ. She made a wish that if she ever had another child, she wanted it to be a devil. Her next child was born misshapen and deformed. It had hooves instead of feet, a horses head, and a forked tail. She called it the Jersey Devil and kept it locked up in her house, so the curious couldn’t see it. One stormy night, the child flapped it’s arms, and they turned into wings. It escaped out the chimney and was never seen by the old witch again.
In the early 19th century, Commodore Stephen Decatur, a naval hero, was testing cannon balls on the firing range when he saw a strange creature flying across the sky. He fired and hit the creature but it kept right on flying across the field. Joseph Bonaparte, former king of Spain and brother of Napoleon, saw the Jersey Devil in Bordentown, NJ, between 1816 and 1839 while he was hunting. In 1840-41 many sheep and chickens were killed by a creature with a piercing scream and strange tracks. In 1859-94, the Jersey Devil was seen and numerous times and reportedly carried off anything that moved in Haddonfield, Bridgeton, Smithville, Long Branch, Brigantine, and Leeds Point. W.F. Mayer of New York noticed while visiting the Pine Barrens, most of the locals would not venture out after dark. The devil was sighted by George Saarosy, A prominent business man, at the NJ/NY border. This was the last reported sighting before the turn of the century.
According to legend, an evil old witch named Mrs. Shrouds lived in Leeds Point, NJ. She made a wish that if she ever had another child, she wanted it to be a devil. Her next child was born misshapen and deformed. It had hooves instead of feet, a horses head, and a forked tail. She called it the Jersey Devil and kept it locked up in her house, so the curious couldn’t see it. One stormy night, the child flapped it’s arms, and they turned into wings. It escaped out the chimney and was never seen by the old witch again.
In the early 19th century, Commodore Stephen Decatur, a naval hero, was testing cannon balls on the firing range when he saw a strange creature flying across the sky. He fired and hit the creature but it kept right on flying across the field. Joseph Bonaparte, former king of Spain and brother of Napoleon, saw the Jersey Devil in Bordentown, NJ, between 1816 and 1839 while he was hunting. In 1840-41 many sheep and chickens were killed by a creature with a piercing scream and strange tracks. In 1859-94, the Jersey Devil was seen and numerous times and reportedly carried off anything that moved in Haddonfield, Bridgeton, Smithville, Long Branch, Brigantine, and Leeds Point. W.F. Mayer of New York noticed while visiting the Pine Barrens, most of the locals would not venture out after dark. The devil was sighted by George Saarosy, A prominent business man, at the NJ/NY border. This was the last reported sighting before the turn of the century.
love??? land frog
The Loveland Frog, also known as the Loveland Lizard, is a weird creature that was sighted several times near the town of Loveland, Ohio.

In 1972, a police officer was driving at night along Riverside Road, when he saw what looked like a dog on the icy road. He pulled over, and shone his headlights on it. It suddenly stood up, jumped over the guardrail, and fled down the embankment into the Miami River. The officer described the creature as being 3 or 4 feet tall, with leathery skin, and a frog or lizard-like face. He returned to the police station and got another officer to go back with him to check out the spot later that night, where they saw scrape marks on the hill going down to the river.
The second sighting occurred two weeks later. Another police officer was driving into Loveland, when he saw an animal in the road. Thinking that it was an animal hit by a car, he stopped to move it. It suddenly stood up, but in a crouched position, then hobbled over to the side of the road, stepped over the guardrail, while keeping his eyes on the officer. The officer was so shocked at the creature he saw that he pulled out his gun and shot at it. His bullets missed and it escaped but his description matched that of the first officer.
Neither of the officers filed an official report of the thing, but word of their sightings leaked to the media, and the legend of the Loveland Frog was born. Investigators began to speculate about the possibility of a secret race of lizard men inhabiting Ohio’s rivers.

Abnormally large reptiles and reptile men have also been reported in other parts of the country, including the ‘Lizardman’ of Wayne, New Jersey, and the ‘Giant Lizard’ of Milton, Kentucky. The most celebrated successor to the Loveland Frog in recent years was the Lizard Man craze that swept Bishopville, South Carolina, in 1988. A man reported that a 7-foot reptilian beast with red eyes and three-fingered appendages chased his car along a country road at over 40 miles per hour. A large number of other sightings followed, and police officers discovered three-toed tracks.
In 1972, a police officer was driving at night along Riverside Road, when he saw what looked like a dog on the icy road. He pulled over, and shone his headlights on it. It suddenly stood up, jumped over the guardrail, and fled down the embankment into the Miami River. The officer described the creature as being 3 or 4 feet tall, with leathery skin, and a frog or lizard-like face. He returned to the police station and got another officer to go back with him to check out the spot later that night, where they saw scrape marks on the hill going down to the river.
The second sighting occurred two weeks later. Another police officer was driving into Loveland, when he saw an animal in the road. Thinking that it was an animal hit by a car, he stopped to move it. It suddenly stood up, but in a crouched position, then hobbled over to the side of the road, stepped over the guardrail, while keeping his eyes on the officer. The officer was so shocked at the creature he saw that he pulled out his gun and shot at it. His bullets missed and it escaped but his description matched that of the first officer.
Neither of the officers filed an official report of the thing, but word of their sightings leaked to the media, and the legend of the Loveland Frog was born. Investigators began to speculate about the possibility of a secret race of lizard men inhabiting Ohio’s rivers.
Abnormally large reptiles and reptile men have also been reported in other parts of the country, including the ‘Lizardman’ of Wayne, New Jersey, and the ‘Giant Lizard’ of Milton, Kentucky. The most celebrated successor to the Loveland Frog in recent years was the Lizard Man craze that swept Bishopville, South Carolina, in 1988. A man reported that a 7-foot reptilian beast with red eyes and three-fingered appendages chased his car along a country road at over 40 miles per hour. A large number of other sightings followed, and police officers discovered three-toed tracks.
wendigo arrrrghh
The Wendigo is a scary monster from North American indian legend that has been encountered by hunters and campers in the shadowy forests of the upper regions of Minnesota. It attacks those unlucky enough to cross its path and eats them whole.
Local Indian tribes tell tales of a evil creature or spirit of the wilderness. They call it “Witigo”, “Witiko” or “Wee-Tee-Go” which means “the evil spirit that devours mankind”.

It’s hunger for human flesh can’t be satisfied and it claims its victims during the night. The wendigo typically stalks hunters or travelers in the woods and thrives in harsh conditions and freezing winters.
They say the creature is gigantic, over fifteen feet tall, and it was once human but was transformed into a monster centuries ago because it resorted to cannibalism while lost out in the remote snowbound forests. It still has the abiltiy to take human form in order to trick and lure its victims to their demise.
Though all of the descriptions of the creature vary slightly, the Wendigo is generally said to have glowing red eyes, long yellowed fangs and a really long tongue. It’s body is matted with fur and some say it has the giant head of a deer, others the huge head of a wolf.
Some say it is the harbringer of death and that if you hear the creature’s voice calling your name faintly in the wind, in the lonely wilderness night, it means you are its next victim. Those who have heard the Wendigo have lost their minds, and unable to resist, went running out into the dark snowy night, never to return.
There are still many stories told of Wendigo’s that have been seen in northern Ontario, near the Cave of the Wendigo, and around the town of Kenora, where a creature has been spotted by traders, trackers and trappers for decades. There are many who still believe that the Wendigo roams the woods and the prairies of northern Minnesota and Canada.
In 1907 a Cree Indian named Jack Fiddler was sent to prison for killing a woman he said was in the process of turning into a Wendigo.
Algernon Blackwood wrote a short story called The Windigo which you can read online.
In the novel “Call of the Wendigo” by Robin Hardy, four teenagers at tennis camp encounter a monster with a heart of ice that devours bodies and souls.
The creature also appeared in episodes of the tv shows Supernatural, Charmed, Psi Factor and Blood Ties.
In Charmed, the Wendigo looks like a normal person during the day but then it transforms at night. It survives by feeding on human hearts. The first Wendigo was a mortal who was betrayed by his lover. He cut out her heart and ate it. As soon as he did, his own heart turned to ice and that’s how he became a monster.
The 2001 movie Wendigo starred Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle as a young boy whose imagination conjours up the vicious Native American spirit of the woods.
The Dark Horse comic book series BPRD features a Wendigo – a creature of the Canadian wilderness that is a cursed ghost looking for another soul to take its place, so that the original host can rest in peace. “Daryl”, the man who inhabits the Wendigo still remembers his life and his family, and he wants to return to this normal existence.
There is also a Marvel comic book called Wendigo and the horror comic Eerie features a comic strip about this famous creature in issue #10.
There is a poem by Ogden Nash which goes like this:
“The wendigo, the wendigo
It’s eyes are ice and indigo
It’s blood is thick and yellowish
It’s voice is hoarse and bellowish”.
Local Indian tribes tell tales of a evil creature or spirit of the wilderness. They call it “Witigo”, “Witiko” or “Wee-Tee-Go” which means “the evil spirit that devours mankind”.
It’s hunger for human flesh can’t be satisfied and it claims its victims during the night. The wendigo typically stalks hunters or travelers in the woods and thrives in harsh conditions and freezing winters.
They say the creature is gigantic, over fifteen feet tall, and it was once human but was transformed into a monster centuries ago because it resorted to cannibalism while lost out in the remote snowbound forests. It still has the abiltiy to take human form in order to trick and lure its victims to their demise.
Though all of the descriptions of the creature vary slightly, the Wendigo is generally said to have glowing red eyes, long yellowed fangs and a really long tongue. It’s body is matted with fur and some say it has the giant head of a deer, others the huge head of a wolf.
Some say it is the harbringer of death and that if you hear the creature’s voice calling your name faintly in the wind, in the lonely wilderness night, it means you are its next victim. Those who have heard the Wendigo have lost their minds, and unable to resist, went running out into the dark snowy night, never to return.
There are still many stories told of Wendigo’s that have been seen in northern Ontario, near the Cave of the Wendigo, and around the town of Kenora, where a creature has been spotted by traders, trackers and trappers for decades. There are many who still believe that the Wendigo roams the woods and the prairies of northern Minnesota and Canada.
In 1907 a Cree Indian named Jack Fiddler was sent to prison for killing a woman he said was in the process of turning into a Wendigo.
Algernon Blackwood wrote a short story called The Windigo which you can read online.
In the novel “Call of the Wendigo” by Robin Hardy, four teenagers at tennis camp encounter a monster with a heart of ice that devours bodies and souls.
The creature also appeared in episodes of the tv shows Supernatural, Charmed, Psi Factor and Blood Ties.
In Charmed, the Wendigo looks like a normal person during the day but then it transforms at night. It survives by feeding on human hearts. The first Wendigo was a mortal who was betrayed by his lover. He cut out her heart and ate it. As soon as he did, his own heart turned to ice and that’s how he became a monster.
The 2001 movie Wendigo starred Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle as a young boy whose imagination conjours up the vicious Native American spirit of the woods.
The Dark Horse comic book series BPRD features a Wendigo – a creature of the Canadian wilderness that is a cursed ghost looking for another soul to take its place, so that the original host can rest in peace. “Daryl”, the man who inhabits the Wendigo still remembers his life and his family, and he wants to return to this normal existence.
There is also a Marvel comic book called Wendigo and the horror comic Eerie features a comic strip about this famous creature in issue #10.
There is a poem by Ogden Nash which goes like this:
“The wendigo, the wendigo
It’s eyes are ice and indigo
It’s blood is thick and yellowish
It’s voice is hoarse and bellowish”.
chupacabra ewewewew
The Chupacabra or the mysterious Goatsucker, is an unidentified paranormal creature that was first sighted in Puerto Rico. Locals call it “el chupacabras”. It has terrorized farms and is responsible for animal mutilations, as it kills livestock like cattle and horses.

According to the legend of the Chupacabra, it has two small arms with a three-fingered clawed hand, two strong hind almost reptilian legs, again with three claws and spinal quills down its back, which it uses to fly. This appears to enable it to run quickly and leap over trees. Its head is oval in shape and has an elongated jaw. It appears to have strong course hair all over its body.
Farmers have found their animals lying dead on the ground with puncture wounds in their necks and all the blood drained from their bodies. The Chupacabra is like some kind of animal vampire.
Sightings of Chupacabra continue to be reported in various parts of Puerto Rico and Texas. The Goatsucker allegedly killed 11 goats in the town of San German, and on one occasion a group of townspeople said they chased the creature away as it was attempting to kill three roosters.
In Guanica, a 44-year-old man was grabbed from behind by an unidentified creature. He managed to fight the creature off and later received treatment for scratches and cuts on his body.

No pictures or videos have been captured of El Chupacabras yet, but some people have seen it in daylight. When villagers in Campo Rico spotted the creature, they chased it into the woods. The Mayor got together an army of volunteers to hunt for it. They were armed with rifles and had a caged goat to use as bait. However, he failed to catch the legendary goatsucker.
Since then, the Chupacabras has been blamed in the deaths of over 2000 animals ranging from other livestock to household pets. There have been sightings of the beast in several cities including Miami, New York, San Antonio, Cambridge, and San Francisco.
Farmers in Calamain, Chile awoke to find their goats and sheep dead in their pens. Calama officials quickly called in the National Guard. Hundreds of armed soldiers undertook a massive search of the area, hunting the Chupacabra. Night patrols, however, found nothing. The Chupacabra is still at large.
According to the legend of the Chupacabra, it has two small arms with a three-fingered clawed hand, two strong hind almost reptilian legs, again with three claws and spinal quills down its back, which it uses to fly. This appears to enable it to run quickly and leap over trees. Its head is oval in shape and has an elongated jaw. It appears to have strong course hair all over its body.
Farmers have found their animals lying dead on the ground with puncture wounds in their necks and all the blood drained from their bodies. The Chupacabra is like some kind of animal vampire.
Sightings of Chupacabra continue to be reported in various parts of Puerto Rico and Texas. The Goatsucker allegedly killed 11 goats in the town of San German, and on one occasion a group of townspeople said they chased the creature away as it was attempting to kill three roosters.
In Guanica, a 44-year-old man was grabbed from behind by an unidentified creature. He managed to fight the creature off and later received treatment for scratches and cuts on his body.
No pictures or videos have been captured of El Chupacabras yet, but some people have seen it in daylight. When villagers in Campo Rico spotted the creature, they chased it into the woods. The Mayor got together an army of volunteers to hunt for it. They were armed with rifles and had a caged goat to use as bait. However, he failed to catch the legendary goatsucker.
Since then, the Chupacabras has been blamed in the deaths of over 2000 animals ranging from other livestock to household pets. There have been sightings of the beast in several cities including Miami, New York, San Antonio, Cambridge, and San Francisco.
Farmers in Calamain, Chile awoke to find their goats and sheep dead in their pens. Calama officials quickly called in the National Guard. Hundreds of armed soldiers undertook a massive search of the area, hunting the Chupacabra. Night patrols, however, found nothing. The Chupacabra is still at large.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
just created a new song but its tagalog
just created a new song its stared becouse.................................................................................
it is 3:00 at the afternoon i goooooooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttttt bored so much.. then i get the guitar then i start writing whats on my mind the tittle is "mahal kita walang kokontra" in english is it "i love you no more disscusions" heheh tnx i love you all
it is 3:00 at the afternoon i goooooooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttttt bored so much.. then i get the guitar then i start writing whats on my mind the tittle is "mahal kita walang kokontra" in english is it "i love you no more disscusions" heheh tnx i love you all
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
falcons lets run
News - January 2011
Sports Events Usher In AdU’s 79th Foundation Day
Adamson University’s 79th Foundation Day celebration will come running and swinging as the University stages two sporting events to start the festivities.The Adamson University Golf Tournament is back for the second time on February 11 at The Orchard Golf and Country Club in Dasmariñas, Cavite. Following the success of the first tournament which took place in 2009, this year’s edition will continue to benefit the scholarship, outreach, and faculty development activities of the University. Tee-off starts at 6:00 AM.
February 5 will see the Adamson community running through the streets of Manila early in the morning for Falcons Let’s Run. The fun run is a kick-off activity for Adamson University’s 80th founding anniversary, which will be celebrated next year. Runners will converge at Quirino Grandstand at 5:00 PM.
go to youtube and type this .........^
This is my latest video presentation of Adamson University Hymn... Hope you like it and I dedicate this to all Adamsonians here and abroad...This is for you....GO FALCONS
Adamson University is a private Catholic university in Manila, Philippines, founded on June 30, 1932 by Greek immigrant George Lucas Adamson as the Adamson School of Industrial Chemistry.[1] On February 5, 1941, the school was granted university status by the Department of Education,[1] and on December 4, 1964, the university was turned over to the Vincentian Fathers of the Congregation of the Mission (CM) and was incorporated into the Adamson-Ozanam Education Institutions, Inc.
Adamson University has programs in Graduate Education, Law, the Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Nursing, Pharmacy, Architecture, Business Administration, Teacher Education, as well as secondary, elementary, and preparatory education. Adamson has eight distinguished courses for Center of Development and Center of Excellence identified by the Philippines Commission on Higher Education[2] and has been awarded "AUTONOMOUS STATUS".[3] It is a member of the University Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP).
Pamantasang Adamson - Lungsod ng Maynila, Pilipinas
Adamson University has programs in Graduate Education, Law, the Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Nursing, Pharmacy, Architecture, Business Administration, Teacher Education, as well as secondary, elementary, and preparatory education. Adamson has eight distinguished courses for Center of Development and Center of Excellence identified by the Philippines Commission on Higher Education[2] and has been awarded "AUTONOMOUS STATUS".[3] It is a member of the University Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP).
Pamantasang Adamson - Lungsod ng Maynila, Pilipinas
Adamson University is granted the "AUTONOMOUS STATUS"
Shakey’s V-League Season 5 replays on Makisig Network – Skycable channel 76
I think Makisig is some sort of an affiliate TV network of a major TV network. It’s like the Q-TV of GMA, or Studio23 of ABS-CBN, or something to that effect. Or maybe it’s an independent network altogether. Anyways, Makisig started its operation just last year so I guess they don’t have too many programs yet. They’ve got never been seen before shows like comedian Rico Jay Puno’s Macho Gwapito that has a running air time of 3 hours.
Hmm, okay, so maybe just watch out for replays of Shakey’s V-League Season 5 over at Makisig network. And get to witness again how the Adamson Lady Falcons captured their first ever V-League championship crown.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
knitting ,knitting, kniting
knitting baby shoes jackets socks dress and many more i just love them here is some cool pics.............
freaind is important

Were like friends in a ship
Riding on the sea, wide so deep
To sail our endless trip
Which is our dear friendship
You're like a friend in my ship
Who's welcome to sleep in my hips
Whom I will cross my fingertips
And whom I will kiss with my lips
I'm also your friend in your ship
Whom you helped in times of limp
You've made me refrain from my weep
And you've given me secrets to keep
How I wish, this our ship
Will run and not my sink
And will still go better than a jeep
Through times of thin and thick
Remember that our friendship
Is greatest of all ships
Than other's courtship, relationship
And even enterpreneurship and titanic's ship
Maybe, there's a lot of ship
That are aiming for sea's tip
But I assure you my friend
We will first reach the end
We will face the largest waves
We will travel the widest oceans
But we will last with our ship
Coz' we have our captain, Mr. Partnership
Water will float with us
To burn each other's trust
Wind will soon blow us
We will make the current pass
So, get ready the map my friend
We will find the treasure trend
Pirates who's to you pretended
Such those enemies, I'll make you depend
Our journey starts from here
Days and nights, nothing to fear
We own the legal ticket in our ship
The only key to our friendship
Adamson University Basketball,pep squad and a one good figth by ateneo vs adamson
Team during practice at the University gym
Adamson University Pep Squad
Eventhough I'm already an alumni I still supports my school in every game. I really love watching basketball live and to cheer for my school. "Win or lose it's the school we choose" I heard this from Ateneo's school hymn. I agree because you must be proud of the school you choose whatever happens.

Adamson University Pep Squad
Eventhough I'm already an alumni I still supports my school in every game. I really love watching basketball live and to cheer for my school. "Win or lose it's the school we choose" I heard this from Ateneo's school hymn. I agree because you must be proud of the school you choose whatever happens.
One GOOD Fight"
Posted by Airamara at 8:23 AM Monday, August 30, 2010An avid fan of Alex Nuyles, player of Adamson Soaring Falcons
UAAP is one of the most awaited event every year in college life. UAAP stands for "University Athletic Association of the Philippines" which highlights the athletic abilities and sportmanships of the students from the participating schools. My school was one of the 8 Universities which is the Adamson University.
UAAP is one of the most awaited event every year in college life. UAAP stands for "University Athletic Association of the Philippines" which highlights the athletic abilities and sportmanships of the students from the participating schools. My school was one of the 8 Universities which is the Adamson University.
Ateneo Blue Eagles
We watched the basketball game last Sunday between my Alma Mater Adamson University and Ateneo De Manila University. Big game for both schools to get the second spot for the twice to beat advantage. They also call it as "Aerial Battle" because the moniker of both schools were birds. It's between the "Ateneo Blue Eagles" and "Adamson Soaring Falcons".
We watched the basketball game last Sunday between my Alma Mater Adamson University and Ateneo De Manila University. Big game for both schools to get the second spot for the twice to beat advantage. They also call it as "Aerial Battle" because the moniker of both schools were birds. It's between the "Ateneo Blue Eagles" and "Adamson Soaring Falcons".
Ateneo De Manila Cheering Squad
Adamson University Pep Squad
Eventhough I'm already an alumni I still supports my school in every game. I really love watching basketball live and to cheer for my school. "Win or lose it's the school we choose" I heard this from Ateneo's school hymn. I agree because you must be proud of the school you choose whatever happens.
Eventhough I'm already an alumni I still supports my school in every game. I really love watching basketball live and to cheer for my school. "Win or lose it's the school we choose" I heard this from Ateneo's school hymn. I agree because you must be proud of the school you choose whatever happens.
Adamson Ayudo
Coaches of both teams and the UAAP Commissioner
Unfortunately, Falcons was defeated by the Eagles but I don't feel bad because I know that the Adamson team really did their best. Such a closed fight between the two and I might say that this is one of the good fight so far in the UAAP Season this year. We're still part of the final four and there's a possibility that we're able to face them again. But we'll make sure that this time it will be a different scenario.
Unfortunately, Falcons was defeated by the Eagles but I don't feel bad because I know that the Adamson team really did their best. Such a closed fight between the two and I might say that this is one of the good fight so far in the UAAP Season this year. We're still part of the final four and there's a possibility that we're able to face them again. But we'll make sure that this time it will be a different scenario.
During the time out
We lose but it's one hella good fight
I'll never stop supporting my school, I'll never get tired watching the basketball live and shout as loud as I can. It makes me more proud of my university while singing the school hymn after the game.
I'll never stop supporting my school, I'll never get tired watching the basketball live and shout as loud as I can. It makes me more proud of my university while singing the school hymn after the game.
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